Thought leadership is the expression of ideas that demonstrates that you have expertise in a particular field, area or topic.
Sarah has 21 years of experience in managing civil disputes arising from trees. Sarah’s experience as the Chair of an industry forum, member of public sector associations and working across the insurance sector means Sarah’s ideas and thoughts on change in this area are extensive.
With a passion for the environment, Sarah wants to drive a change forward in the way in which claims arising from trees are dealt with. She has shared thoughts in numerous written articles and with audience members at events such as the I Love Claims Environment Conference 2021.
The passion for sharing ideas comes from a true belief that the only way in which things can get better for the homeowner customer/client and the environment as a whole is if we all work together and pool our communal knowledge and ideas.
Sarah’s thought leadership comes in numerous forms:
Speaking at industry events, such as the I love Claims Environment conference
Blogging about the law around trees
Hosting Tree Law TV providing free-to-use content on the law around trees
Hosting the Tree Oclock News, commenting on topical tree issues which have hit the news and giving opinion on those
Writing for trade press such as the Arboricultural Association magazine
Tree Law is the trading name of Tree Law Ltd.
We are a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority – SRA number 822981.