Not all disputes start with litigation and I would encourage all clients to think about dispute advice as early as possible in their situation. Getting advice early can pass the stress of the dispute from the client over to me.
I can help the client reach a resolution before a legal claim needs to happen.
Examples of disputes could include:
Dispute with an insurance company about providing insurance cover
Dispute with an insurance company about accepting an insurance claim
Dispute with a neighbour
Dispute with a public body
Managing a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service
Making a complaint to the Office of Environmental Protection
In a lot of the cases that I see my clients have tried to soldier on and deal with disputes themselves when they could have handed things over to me early on to manage the claim for them. I would always encourage early advice be taken to see if disputes can be nipped in the bud before they branch out to become a bigger issue.
The most common dispute advice that I give relates to insured customers who want to make a complaint to their insurance company during an insurance claim or complain to the Financial Ombudsman.
Whilst both the insurance company’s complaints procedure and the Financial Ombudsman Service is geared up to be used by unrepresented individuals, it can help to have support in both of these steps.
An example of success in managing the complaints process for a client was that, following denial of cover for a liability claim following alleged (but spurious) allegations of tree root subsidence, we were able to get the insurance company to accept cover and take over management and cost in relation to the liability claim
Tree Law is the trading name of Tree Law Ltd.
We are a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority – SRA number 822981.