If you’re not sure whether you need a solicitor just yet, book a consultation call for a 30 minute or 60 minute discussion about your issue
Whether it’s bringing a legal claim, defending a legal claim or simply advising on a dispute, we can give you legal advice on an hourly rate basis. The rates charged are the Court’s guide hourly rates, National 1
On strategy projects such as working on a decarbonisation plan or claims process, we can work on a consultancy basis on a day or half-day rate
On a recovery case where the prospects of success are high enough, we can run the case on our discounted CFA agreement..
What this means is that you get charged a reduced hourly rate during the life of the claim, and the costs are recovered from the Defendant at the end of the claim at higher approved court rates.
If you want transparency from the outset and predictability on costs we are happy to agree fixed fees where those are suitable.
Tree Law is the trading name of Tree Law Ltd.
We are a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority – SRA number 822981.