If you’re involved in a tree crime issue, dial Tree Law as your 999 call.
Issues with trees and crime are an increasingly common issue. Rural crime police departments can get involved in allegations of crimes involving trees and other wildlife issues. Also public authorities can pursue private criminal prosecutions where there have been works carried out to a protected tree, works carried out in breach of a planning permission or where there is anti social behaviour in relation to trees.
Whether you are an individual facing a criminal charge, or being called in for an interview under caution, or whether you are the prosecutor in such a case, we can help.
The law can differ between England and Wales. We are able to advise and act in both England and Wales prosecutions.
We can help advise you in relation to representing you as a defendant to a criminal charge or as a prosecuting authority
Get in touch for a discovery discussion about your situation so that we can agree on a way forward and an appropriate fee structure.
Prosecution: Acting for the prosecuting local authority who are exercising their right to bring a private prosecution against a resident of their area for felling a tree, protected by a Tree Preservation Order. This is a live claim.
Outcome to be determined at the criminal trial.
Tree Law is the trading name of Tree Law Ltd.
We are a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority – SRA number 822981.