
Tree Officers: a round-up of the NTOA conference
Im sat here reflecting on a very interesting day at the National Tree Officers’ conference which went ahead in Leeds on 6th November. Wondering how

Homeowners: When to query tree removal in a subsidence claim
Ive never thought of myself as an agony aunt in the traditional sense but, when I was asked by the Sunday Times to answer a
Insurers: Managing the competing interests in a subsidence claim
How many of your can complete a Rubix Cube? In a tree root subsidence claim there are so many competing interest which are often working

Insurers: how to get access to neighbouring land for repair work
Not everybody can be as happy as the residents of Ramsey Street. I remember back in the 1990ies my 5:30 fix of Neighbours was an

House buyers: Japanese knotweed update from the court of appeal
Japanese Knotweed has been the subject of another Court decision this last month, before the Court of Appeal, this time in the case of Davies

Home owners: being overlooked as a legal nuisance
Imagine this…..every year 500,000 people peer at you through your window. Some of them actually taking photos of your home and invading your privacy. What